Physics 103

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The objectives in Physics are two-fold. First is to lay the foundation for more intense study of Physics at the high school level (AP) or college level and secondly is to make science have a purpose – a reason for studying it. Students should see science as part of the big picture, not as an isolated subject but as part of their everyday lives. Focus will also be placed on science literacy: reading, writing, and communication skills.

Why Freshmen in Physics? 

Traditionally Physics has been an upper division course in high school.  At Pioneer High School, we recognize that Physics is the most foundational of all sciences -with a skill set that translates into the other science course offerings:  Chemistry, Life or Earth Sciences.  Our "Physics First" program will focus on essential science concepts and skills through the study of Physics, freeing  the subsequent science classes to deepen their content instruction.

Regular vs.Honors Physics? 

Students are placed in RegularPhysics if they have not satisfactorily completed an Algebra 1 prerequisite. Course content is basically the same in both levels, with added assistance embedded into the conceptual level to deal with mathematical challenges.